Department of Crops and Soil Sciences

This is the oldest departments within the School of Agriculture and Food Security, Maseno University. It offers courses in the discipline areas of Agronomy, Horticulture and Soil Science and Plant Nutrition which are fundamental to the study of Crop Production and Associated Management Needs. The courses are offered through lectures, observations, practicals (laboratory and field) to enable students understand the theoretical concepts and practical applications of theory. Towards this end the department has laboratories, field greenhouse, screenhouse and open fields for practicals. The department has sufficient physical facilities, equipment and qualified manpower needed for the teaching of all courses. The department also mounts a fully skills and practical based Industrial Attachment as part of graduate development.
The department currently has eleven academic staff and three technical staff members charged with the responsibility of providing guidance and support to the students during their lectures and practical sessions. The department recognizes its role in research and continuing professional development in various fields of applied plant sciences and shall strive to improve research capability and establish collaboration with other relevant Institutions and Universities both locally and internationally.